Post by courcofimohos on May 4, 2019 21:58:36 GMT
Main category - Education
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Filesize - 11776
Title - Word Spelunker
word spelunker v.2.0
Brakeman - A static analysis security vulnerability scanner for Ruby on Rails applications.
Mechanize - Mechanize is a ruby library that makes automated web interaction easy.
Gimli - Utility for converting markup files to pdf files.
orats - Opinionated rails application templates.
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Take time to be with that person. Take in their stories. Use the time to absorb their histories. It'll put both patient and family/friends more to remember and cherish.
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Key list 2.0 Word Spelunker
git-spelunk - Dig through git blame history.
I'm still pissed and I still have no answers. My kingdom for a $3000 laptop that "Just works" and helps me murder code, deployment, graphic arts, music, and still loads HBONow.
@configuration @componentscan @enablewebmvc @enablehypermediasupport class WebMvcConfiguration extends WebMvcConfigurationSupport { @bean public DomainClassConverter domainClassConverter() { return new DomainClassConverter(mvcConversionService()); } @override public void configureDefaultServletHandling(DefaultServletHandlerConfigurer configurer) { ; } @bean public MultipartResolver multipartResolver() { return new StandardServletMultipartResolver(); } @bean public ViewResolver internalResourceViewResolver() { InternalResourceViewResolver internalResourceViewResolver = new InternalResourceViewResolver(); tPrefix("/WEB-INF/crm/"); tSuffix(""); return internalResourceViewResolver; } }
In my opinion they have left a desperate, loyal, audience out in the cold so long that it's offensive and I'm looking forward to whoever can fill the role next.
Griddler - Simplify receiving email in Rails.
First, How to Post to Any API that supports the (admittedly) outdated MetaWeblog API.
What a couple of months! I've been running around like crazy. I attended Geecon, the Spring S2G Forums, and then the JAX San Jose conference, all in fairly short order. I'll try to put up roundups of my trips a bit more consistantly, starting with Geecon. I've been to many European conferences, but this one is now among my favorites. The conference has the unique combination of excellent speakers at a low price, like the SpringSource S2GX Forums or SpringOne.
If you're a Spring developer, and haven't had a chance to look at CloudFoundry, then I strongly recommend you see Mark Fisher's entry on the SpringSource blog introducing the wide world of the cloud for Spring developers from a few months ago. There's also great content on the SpringSource YouTube channel.
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